Green Tourism and Meetings GOLD Award

We recently achieved the Green Tourism Gold Award, and this week were delighted to hear that we have also received our Green Meetings Gold Award! Green Meetings is the new standard for sustainable meetings and events, giving clients peace of mind that sustainability is at the forefront of our business. 


Events team at SWE

For the tourism award, as part of our commitment to sustainability and green tourism, we were assessed under the new GreenCheck assessment through Green Tourism, the leading sustainable tourism certification scheme in the UK. The award covers: 

  • People (awareness, communication, health & wellbeing, community, equality and diversity)
  • Place (experiences, destination, travel, food & drink and biodiversity)
  • Planet (energy, waste, water, carbon and chemicals).

Each day we work hard to make positive actions across all these goals, across the whole business

The Green Meetings award has an additional goals including delegates, travel and the venue.

Every department has been involved in helping to achieve these awards and to gain our GOLD status. We are proud to be officially recognised for our commitment to becoming a leading sustainable visitor attraction, and we are proud that our highest scores (as you would expect!) are in the “food and drink” and “delegates” categories. A big thank you to our whole team.

“The Scotch Whisky Experience have done a fantastic job achieving a Gold Green Meetings award following on from their Gold Green Tourism award. They have some excellent green meetings packages and have taken great care to ensure their events are as sustainable as possible. The team have displayed an excellent understanding of sustainability and awareness of opportunities and challenges associated with running a responsible business. The assessment team was particularly impressed by their commitment to ensuring delegates can reduce their impact whilst attending an event or meeting whilst enjoying Edinburgh in a responsible and sustainable way. Overall, the Scotch Whisky experience goes from strength to strength by adding Green Meetings Gold award to their Green Tourism Gold award.”

Green Meetings

Keep an eye on our socials and website for up to date #gtbs news, as we continue to look at what more we can do to become a greener, cleaner and more environmentally friendly business.  You can find out more through the following links: 

Our Environmental Policy 

Our Green Tourism news and actions  

Sustainable Scotch distilleries  

Corporate Social Responsibility  

Our charities