The Highland Soap Company

Next up in the Meet our Makers series is Fort William based, “The Highland Soap Company”. Their organic soap and skincare products are made using sustainable ingredients and packaging, with a wide range of fragrances, from wild Scottish raspberry and Hebridean seaweed to whisky & honey.  Our favourite (no prizes for guessing!) is the Whisky & Honey handwash which we stock in our shop.

Still at Highland Soap Co.
Highland Soap Company sink with products.

A new workshop by the 13th century Old Inverlochy Castle with views over Ben Nevis, makes for an inspirational setting to create products as natural as the surroundings. With pure clean air, sparking rivers and rugged landscapes, these qualities are reflected in their luxurious range.

The company was started in Emma Parton’s kitchen in the 1990s. Emma wanted to use organic and natural soap and skincare products herself but found that she was going to have to make them herself to get the look, aroma and feel that she was after.  Her first creations were sold in her father’s little shop in Spean Bridge.  Nowadays, the range include bars of soap, handwashes, lotions and bubble baths as well as shampoos, body washes, conditioners and hand creams.

Emma Parton, Highland Soap Company

We love The Highland Soap Company’s focus on the sustainability of their products. Their shop offers refills for both their glass and sugarcane plastic bottles, and a return scheme for their candle jars. The workshop even makes the most of the Scottish sun with solar panels.

We even have a distilling connection with them as the bog myrtle range is made with essential oils distilled in their own copper pot still.  Scots herbalists have used this wonder-shrub for centuries for anti-ageing and all sorts of skin conditions, but supplies were becoming hard to come by, so they started wild-harvesting and making their own.

Last December saw the opening of a new Visitor Centre and Larder Café which we can’t wait to visit.  In the meantime have a look at the range of products from The Highland Soap Company that we sell here at The Scotch Whisky Experience.

The Highland Soap Company Whisky and Honey soap

We are delighted to sell in our Royal Mile Whisky and Gift shop the Whisky & Honey hand sanitiser and Whisky & Honey handwash.

Images kindly supplied by The Highland Soap Company.